You research the tech that enforces your play style, be it conqueror or insidious politician (using culture). It all revolves around colonizing hospitable planets first, then the ones with unique resources. That is, you eXplore the galaxy, eXpand your empire, eXploit the resources you find and eXterminate the races that don’t agree with you wanting to be the lords of the galaxy.Throw in researching new technologies, building planetary improvements, creating huge armies and pushing out massive fleets of ships – that’s the game in a nutshell. Built on the Unity Engine, StarDrive 2 is highlighted by its impressive new levels of graphic polish and detail, streamlined interfaces, and intense, sophisticated 4X gameplay. In StarDrive 2, players will reach into the unexplored regions of space fully loaded with options to engage in massive real-time space combat or enter into the all new ground combat, partner with friendly factions, research new technologies, design new ships, and much more. This is what Zero Sum Games says about their game, StarDrive 2: Zero Sum Games asked us to review their new space game, and it was graciously handed over to this guy to give it a serious go. Just recently, however, StarDrive 2 has thrown it’s tin foil hat into the ring. Galactic Civ and all it’s incarnations is incredibly popular, though, so it’s considered a leader in this contest. While there have been a lot of games such as Galactic Civ, Horizon and Endless Space that have tried to be the definitive MOO replacement, none of them have really succeeded.

A lot of people have been waiting for an adequate Masters of Orion (MOO) replacement.